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Regardless of who you are or who you are signed to – Auddly is your way to take control of your songs and rights, wherever you are. Auddly's CEO is Niclas Molinder. Other executives include Björn Ulvaeus, Co-Owner; Ash Pournouri, Co-Owner and 2 others. See the full leadership team at Craft. Låtskrivaren och producenten Niclas Molinder drog igång Auddly i mitten av 2012. Syftet med bolaget är att hjälpa låtskrivare, producenter och andra kreatörer att bringa ordning i sina musikrättigheter och royaltyintäkter.
14 Mar 2019 Susan Butler, Niclas Molinder e Philip Sant (Foto: Mariana Iwakura) sócio da plataforma de metadados musicais Auddly; Niclas Molinder, 3 feb 2015 Vi har deltagare från bland annat USA, England, Japan och Tyskland, säger Niclas Molinder, vd på Auddly och initiativtagare till Stockholm Niclas Molinder, Chairman · Statutes · Investment Policy · Contact. Music Rights Awareness Foundation Corporate identity: Maria Silverlid. Örebro Kommun – Näringslivssekreterare. Viktoria Bromark. Lindahls Advokatbyrå. Niclas Molinder. Auddly.
Niclas Molinder @niclasmolinder Twitter
Niclas Molinder. Innovativa miljöer och entreprenörskap PANELDELTAGARE Anders Åhrlin (M), Örebro kommun Niclas Molinder, Auddly Sofia Sundqvist, e-man Kjell Varifrån kom idén bakom er startup?
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Niclas Molinder. Auddly. Cecilia Tylstedt.
Niclas Molinder. Auddly. Cecilia Tylstedt.
Patrik törnberg
Niclas Molinder CEO & Founder of Auddly (Moderator) Caroline Gueissaz Management consultant, Managing Director of Business Angels (BAS) MSc in Industrial Engineering from the ETHZ. Caroline Gueissaz made the biggest part of her career at IBM in sales and management consulting both in Switzerland and internationally (London, Paris, Moscow). 2015-01-31 · De senaste tweetarna från @niclasmolinder Niclas Molinder After 20 years of songwriting and producing for artists as Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Mary J Blige and The Jonas Brothers, as well as running his own publishing company RedFly Music – the Swedish entrepreneur decided to be part of solving the value gap in the music industry. Niclas Molinder. Det är inte helt lätt att få tio minuter med Niclas, för han har hela tiden bråttom till nästa möte, nästa samtal, nästa utmaning eller att förverkliga nästa idé.
Att han är något av en pedant och gör allt minutiöst noga gör så klart inte saken enklare. In 2014, Niclas Molinder founded the world’s first independent song data hub Auddly that quickly got massive traction worldwide and partners as Max Martin, Björn Ulvaeus of ABBA and Avicii originator Ash Pournouri. ”Det är data som är helt avgörande för att musikkreatörer ska få rätt betalt och sina credits när musiken används”, säger Niclas Molinder. Tjänsten grundades 2012 och hette då Auddly.
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Niclas Molinder, Founder and CEO, Auddly commented: “We are delighted to launch the partnership and the IPI Verification with IMRO in order to help their members to manage their metadata more efficiently. Capturing this data accurately and completely from the start … The founders of Music Rights Awareness – Niclas Molinder, Björn Ulvaeus and Max Martin – are also involved in Auddly. It was during their involvement in Auddly they discovered that the need for education in music rights was bigger than expected. Auddly's founder and chief executive, Niclas Molinder, said: 'Capturing this data accurately and completely from the start enables CMOs (collective management organisations) to allocate money to performers, so this is a significant step towards securing correct compensation.
Auddly Johan Nilsson COO Entreprenör
Möt Niclas Molinder i detta avsnitt, där vi får höra vad han lärt sig under sina 22 år i musikbranschen, som bland annat låtskrivare och 39. Niclas Molinder, grundare & VD Auddly by Musikbranschpodden published on 2018-01-17T19:46:31Z. Recommended tracks 96. Hur kan kreatörer utvecklas digitalt? Panelgäster: Nikoo Sadr, Sebastian Lindroth Ahl & Ella Grundel by Musikbranschpodden published on 2020-03-27T14:25:33Z Esther Vallee - Higher by warnersweden published on 2018-05-09T12 Niclas Molinder is a Swedish songwriter, producer, music publisher and engineer, entrepreneur and one of the founders of Auddly, a venture between Niclas Mol Niclas Molinder, Founder and CEO, Auddly commented: “We are delighted to launch the partnership and the IPI Verification with IMRO in order to help their members to manage their metadata more efficiently.
Niclas Molinder, Founder and CEO, Auddly commented: “We are delighted to launch the partnership and the IPI Verification with IMRO in order to help their Home » Posts tagged "Niclas Molinder" March 20, 2019 // Business News, News · AuddlyAudio ProgrammingAVIDBarak MoffittBjörn UlvaeusCreator 18 Apr 2017 Niclas Molinder addresses the crowd at ASCAP's “I Create Music” expo. (Photo: Paula Parisi/MaxTheTrax).